Ted, Maths and Philosophy student, Oxford University


Hello! My name is Ted, and I’m a second-year student at New College, Oxford, studying Mathematics and Philosophy. I took Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Physics, and Latin for A-Level where I achieved four A*s. I also got a 1st in my preliminary exams last year, so am an academic scholar at New College.

During term time, I act as an Oxford maths ambassador, regularly meeting prospective Oxford applicants and assist in their applications. I advise them on their personal statements and run practice interviews, given them hints when they go wrong and helping them learn. Beyond GCSE and A-Level Maths I have also done tutoring and assisted in workshops to help students prepare for the Oxford maths admissions test (MAT), as well as given tours on open days, interacting with students in person and answering questions on life at Oxford.

As a tutor, I believe that the key to success is a strong understanding of the fundamental concepts that underpin a topic. With this basis, students have a firm grasp of why a certain principle works the way that it does, as opposed to merely learning to apply it to mindlessly answer questions. Focusing on the why and how gives students the ability to effectively tackle both standard and unfamiliar problems for exams and aptitude tests.

Taking joint honours means I also really enjoy the connections and interplay between different areas and ideas, which is something I hope to foster in students. This also extends to my life outside academics, where I work a lot in student theatre and play Cello in the college orchestra.

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