
Hi – my name is Bruno, and I just graduated with distinction with a Master’s degree in Maths from King’s College, Cambridge, having also completed my BA studies there.  Before this, I took A-Levels in Maths (A*), Further Maths (A*), Physics (A*), and Philosophy and Theology (A*), as well as doing an EPQ (A*).  

One of the first things you learn studying maths at university is that, perhaps surprisingly, it’s a subject best engaged with socially.  Talking through difficult problems and discussing new ideas with others is really the best way to learn, which is why one-on-one tuition can be so helpful.  I’m keen to steer students away from simple memorisation and help them understand what’s really going on behind the scenes in maths: this is the key both to exam success and to finding the joy in the subject.